At present, China is not only the “factory of the world”, but also a vast market that all businesses around the world strive to explore. Numerous businesses across the world are seeking to bring their products into the Chinese market in hopes of stimulating the development of the related industries in their countries. Aiming to help overseas entrepreneurs to gain an insight into the Chinese market and master practical strategies to explore the Chinese market, the BRICS PartNIR Innovation Center (BPIC) plans to initiate a training program themed on “Exploring the Chinese Market”, focusing on fostering excellent management talent with a solid understanding of China and the ability to tap into the Chinese market.
Training courses will be provided every Thursday from April 20 to May 11, 2023, covering topics of the present and future of the Chinese market, legal issues to be noted before entering the Chinese market, practical strategies for exploring the Chinese market, e-commerce and digital marketing in China, etc.